Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sundays are made for bike rides! 

I like to get out for a bike ride early in the day, before the sun gets too warm. But I feel guilty if I leave my dogs home. So we had to figure out a way to ride together....

I purchased a leash arm from Amazon! [Click here for link]

This allows me to safely have my dogs along for a ride. It holds the leash far enough away from the wheels to keep it from becoming tangled, and it came with an elastic leash so that my dog can pull away without causing me to tumble. I originally used this set up with my male dog when he was young and, despite some fear of the bike, he learned to run alongside me. So later, when I adopted my female at the age of 2, we were easily able to add her to our line up. We now buckle her to the bike and then buckle him to her with an elastic extension that I made. 

We are grateful to live in an area where we can safely ride early in the day, 
spread out about 5 feet apart 😀 


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